Leverage Innovation Drive Change

Delivering better project outcomes through stronger client relationships.

The Cerecon Difference The Cerecon Difference

Structural Engineering

Providing innovative designs that optimise the construction process through an agile, collaborative approach.

What We Do

Driving change in engineering

We leverage experience and innovation to consistently achieve the best possible outcomes for clients. Our collaborative approach means we take the time to understand your drivers for success, delivering simple solutions to your most complex problems.

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Doing Things Differently

Who We Are

Doing Things Differently

We’re an engineering consultancy committed to fostering positive and proactive working relationships with our clients. Utilising the latest technology and innovative construction practices, we deliver optimised solutions that lead to better project outcomes.

Why are we different?

Our Services

Innovative Designs. Simple Solutions

Our expertise spans the full project lifecycle, including:

  • Structural Engineering
  • Temporary Works Engineering
  • Building Design
  • Foundation Design
  • Asset Management
  • Value Engineering
  • Seismic Analysis and Design
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November 3, 2023 / Projects

Brickworks – Chimney Assessment

Cerecon Engineering undertook a comprehensive inspection and structural analysis of Chimney Number 1, a heritage listed masonry structure situated at the Hoffman Brickworks site in Brunswick. This chimney, believed to be over a century old, consists of an inner skin, outer skin, and diaphragm walls connecting the two skins. Cerecon’s inspection encompassed an assessment of…

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November 3, 2023 / Projects

Union Mont Albert – Heritage Building Relocation

Cerecon Engineering was engaged to design the system to enable relocation of the Mont Albert station building, a heritage structure over a century old. Our role encompassed designing both permanent and temporary works to achieve this intricate task while retaining the building’s historical integrity. Our initial focus involved designing temporary works that would facilitate the…

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November 3, 2023 / Projects

2263-2267 Dandenong Rd, Mulgrave

Multi Unit Development – 2263-2267 Dandenong Rd, Mulgrave Cerecon played a central part in the design of the multi-level social housing development, as part of the State Government’s Victorian Big Housing to provide safe short and long-term public and community housing and support for Victorians experiencing crisis. Cerecon’s scope involved the design and documentation of…

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Our proven partnerships

Our team has worked with industry leaders to develop innovative solutions for their most important projects.


Partner with a company that truly understands you, delivering innovative solutions that consistently drive your business forward.

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